
[26.10.2021]Белорусский государственный университет и компания Huawei приглашают на новое личное соревнование Bel Huawei — BSU Challenge 2021 #5!

Участникам соревнования будет выдана одна оптимизационная задача, не имеющая точного решения. Цель — достичь лучших показателей по метрикам, описанным в условии задачи.

Для регистрации нужно заполнить форму на английском языке. Подробные правила и инструкция к регистрации по ссылке:

Соревнование продлится c 30 октября 12:00 по 2 ноября 23:59. Условия будут доступны на русском и английском языках. Участие удалённое.

К участию допускается гражданин любой страны, проживающий на территории Беларуси.

25 лучших участников по итогам соревнования получат ценные призы от компании Huawei:

  • победитель: планшет Huawei MatePad 11 + клавиатура к планшету + умные часы Huawei Watch 3 GLL-AL04;
  • места 2-3: умные часы Huawei Watch 3;
  • места 4-6: беспроводные наушники Huawei FreeBuds Pro;
  • места 7-25: фитнес-трекер Huawei Band 6.

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Приветственное слово от автора соревнования Dr. MA Fuda, Elastic Compute Service Huawei Cloud:

«It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Bel Huawei — BSU Challenge 2021, which is held jointly with the BSU Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Your traditionally high results in international competitions, contests, and olympiads, including those sponsored by Huawei, are the hallmark of BSU.

We are happy to see the high level and high professionalism of solving the problems of the first Bel Huawei — BSU Challenge 2020, and how enthusiastically you worked on difficult current real technical tasks.

Please let me thank the iRunner platform, and the Belarus Research Institute of Huawei, for providing this opportunity to invite you all in helping us with the challenging problem.

We sincerely welcome top winners and brilliant contestants to be with Huawei on world-class challenges.

Please let me briefly introduce the background of this problem. Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) is one of the essential services of Huawei Cloud, providing secure, scalable, on-demand computing resources, enabling customizers to flexibly deploy applications and workloads. The main goal of our department is to develop algorithms to improve resource management of ECS by optimizing multiple objectives (e.g. resource usage, cost…) satisfying a lot of constraints (e.g. QoS, capacity…).

This challenge as one of those subjects aims to improve the efficiency of capacity management of the cloud. Specifically, the goal is to use the right quantity of servers and types at the right time to minimize the cost of satisfying the dynamic resource requirements and other constraints from our customers.

Cloud providers usually operate hundreds of thousands or even millions of servers, thus every 1 percent improvement can be worth up to millions of dollars. That is why we publish this problem in iRunner. We hope that we can get exciting inspirations from your submissions.

Let me wish all participants of the Bel Huawei — BSU Challenge 2021 to get pleasure from solving current real tasks and demonstrate your high level of competence, extraordinary and beautiful solutions.»

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