Register for interactive, on-line sessions at IBM Entrepreneur Week, 3-7 Feb

IBM Academic Initiative

Encourage your students and others to join and participate

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Dear Academic Initiative member,

How are your university programs staying relevant to entrepreneurs? What innovative techniques are being used to bridge the gap between theory and practice? Is the collaborative economy the largest business disruption in a decade?

Hear from your peers, industry experts, VCs and successful startups as they discuss these topics and more during IBM Entrepreneur Week. The week of online and face to face events kicks off on Monday, 3 February, 2014 with a track of virtual sessions devoted to Academic topics. All events are offered at no charge and open to the public. Encourage your students and others to join and participate. Unable to attend? Register now to access the replays.

Below is a look at the webcasts tailored to academics, students and aspiring entrepreneurs.

IBM Online Bash - Webcast: Monday, 3 February - 10:30 a.m. (New York)
Register for this Online Bash featuring a virtual coffee break where entrepreneurs and IBM executives can network in small groups and breakout interactive webcast sessions to inspire innovators and entrepreneurs from around the world. The breakout sessions are organized around three tracks ... note Track #3 is tailored to you!
  1. Growing your business in a Social World
  2. Women Entrepreneurs
  3. Academic Excellence
Track 3 - Academic Excellence:
Educators discuss academic excellence in delivering entrepreneurial curriculum.

10:30 - 11:00 a.m. University entrepreneur programs, networks and resources
Professor R.A. Farrokhnia, Columbia University
Dr. Caroline Daniels, Babson Butler Venture Accelerator

11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Entrepreneur and learning simulations
Dr. Stuart Schulman, Director CUNY Institute for Virtual Enterprise
Dr. Christoph Winkler, Associate and Curriculum Director, CUNY Institute for Virtual Enterprise

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Universities are embracing role of an incubator
Dr. Dan Cohen, Director of eLab Incubator, Cornell University

12:30 - 1:15 p.m. One Semester Startup
Dr. Bob Metcalfe, University of Texas at Austin, Cockrell School of Engineering

IBM Entrepreneur Huddle - Webcast: Friday, 7 February - 11:30 a.m. (New York)
Your registration also includes this one-hour IBM Entrepreneur Huddle webcast highlighting key insights from IBM Entrepreneur Week and featuring conversations with industry leaders including:
  • Jeremiah Owyang, Chief Catalyst, Crowd Companies
  • Jeanne Sullivan, General Partner, StarVest Partners
  • Mike Brown, General Partner, Bowery Capital
  • Zia Yusuf, CEO, Streetline
View the complete IBM Entrepreneur Week agenda.

Don't miss your chance to take a deeper look into IBM Entrepreneur Week's three primary themes:
  • The Collaborative Economy
  • The Revenue Model and Making Money
  • Taking it to the Next Level in a Collaborative Economy
Even if you can't attend the webcasts, we encourage you to register now to access the replays.


The IBM Academic Initiative team
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