Computer Data Analysis and Modeling 2013

A conditional convergence analysis of per capita incomes Egorov, A. A.
A new approach to reduction of large data set Viattchenin, D. A.
A projection-pursuit method for sparse robust pca Filzmoser, P.
A stochastic reshapable contour model for microscopic image segmentation Kovalev, V. A.; Alilou, M.
About data analysis in nonparametric identification problem Chzhan, E. A.; Korneeva, A. A.; Sergeeva, N. A.
An application of methods of factor analysis in the assessment of status and dynamics of the age structure of the population of the republic of Belarus Sharilova, Y. Y.
Analysis of g-network at transient behavior and its application Naumenko, V. V.; Matalytski, M. A.
Application of models with the distributed lag in the analysis of ecologic and demographic interrelations Matkovskaya, O. G.
Application of residual empirical processes to robust linear hypotheses testing in autoregression Esaulov, D. M.
Approximate formulas for expectation of functionals from solution to stochastic equation with random measure Egorov, A. D.
Assignment of multivariate samples to the fixed classes by the maximum likelihood method and its risk Zhuk, E. E.
Asymptotic analysis of the closed queueing structure with time-dependent service parameters Matalytski, M.; Rusilko, T.; Pankov, A.
Calculation of european type options Zuev, N. M.
Comparative analysis of similarity measures for medical streaming data Bernataviˇ cien˙ e, Jolita; Bazileviˇ cius, Gediminas; Dzemyda, Gintautas; Medvedev, Viktor
Decision-making during computer simulation Makarova, E. S.; Buloychik, V. M.
Detection of outliers with boxplots Andrea, K.; Shevlyakov, G. L.; Smirnov, P. O.
Differences between the pearson statistics distribution function and non–central chi–square distribution function Filina, M. V.; Zubkov, A. M.
Digital signal processing of blood flow volume velocity doppler sensor based on nonlinear dynamics methods Konnova, N. S.; Basarab, M. A.
Econometric models of the impact of macroeconomic processes on the stock market in the baltic countries Rudzkis, R.; Uzdanaviˇ ci¯ ut˙ e, R.
Eneralized method of wavelet moments for the estimation of composite stochastic models Pia, Maria; Feser, Victoria
Equential testing of parametric hypotheses: performance, robustness and application Kharin, A. Yu.
Ew inequalities for the binomial law and for the total variation distance between iid samples Zubkov, A. M.
Examining the feasibility of predicting drug resistance of lung tuberculosis using image data Kovalev, V. A.; Liauchuk, V. A.; Safonau, I. U.
Expected income of queuing structure and its application in transport logistic Kiturko, O. M.; Matalytski, M. A.
Express analysis of the financial condition of a company Zmitrovich, A. I.; Zborovskiy, S. N.; Krivko-Krasko, A. V.
Extended version of econometric macromodel for forecasting of the main parameters of socio-economic development of the republic of belarus Kravtsov, M. K.; Bareika, N. M.; Nikitsina, A. K.
Fast nonparametric algorithm for change point detection in stochastic process Nikitenok, V. I.
Finite-time ruin probabilities in the discrete risk model Lappo, P.
Fourier–type estimation of the power garch model with stable–paretian innovations1 Francq, C.; Meintanis, S. G.
Goodness of fit tests based on kernel density estimators Rudzkis, R.; Bakshaev, A.
H-models for non-inertia systems with delay Medvedev, A. V.
Hypotheses testing for binary sequences obtained by the neumann transform Menshenin, D. O.; Zubkov, A. M.
Identification of nonlinear dynamical systems under conditions of little a priory information Koplyarova, N. V.; Sergeeva, N. A.
Income forecasting in the hm-network with time-dependent parameters Kosareva, E. V.
Individual stock volatility modeling with garch–jumps model augmented with news analytics data Sidorov, S. P.; Date, P.; Balash, V. A.; Faizliev, A. R.; Korobov, E.
Introduction of modern methods of dissemination of statistical information Yermalitskaya, E. V.
Investigation of the maximum likelihood estimator of intrinsic dimensionality Karbauskait˙ e, R.; Dzemyda, G.
Labour force survey: methodological problems Bokun, N. C.
Long-memory discrete-valued time series: models and methods Kharin, Yu. S.
Markov properties of gaps between local maxima in a sequence of independent random variables V.Khil, Elena
Methods of indirect estimation of the innovative development intensity Soshnikova, L. A.
Minimax extrapolation problem for periodically correlated processes Dubovetska, I. I.; Moklyachuk, M. P.
Misclassification probability based on linear discriminant function for sar error models Duˇ cinskas, K.; Karaliut˙ e, M.; ˇSimkien˙e, I.
Mixed-stable modeling of high-frequency financial data: parallel computing approach Belovas, Igoris; Starikoviˇ cius, Vadimas
Modeling of spatial queues system Mukha, V. S.; Prishchepchik, M. V.
Modeling the relationship of the quality of life and the investment attractiveness in grodno region Lialikova, V. I.; Khatskevich, G. A.
Modelling of equilibrium economic dynamics in global system of export-import cooperation Novikov, M. M.
Multidimentional comparative analysis of innovative activity of territorial units Visockij, S. U.
Multifactor models of term structure of yield for zero coupon bonds Medvedev, G. A.
Neural network simulation of the industrial producer price index dynamical series Soshnikov, L. E.
On acquisition of nociceptive evoked potentials In rats cerebral cortex Kolchin, A. V.; Ionkina, E. G.
on comparison of classical and cepstrum-based forecasts Valoshka, V. A.; Kharin, Yu. S.
On d- and a-optimal designs of experiments Kirlitsa, V. P.
On formulas of linear interpolation for operators generated by solutions of stochastic differential equations Yanovich, L. A/
On hypothesis testing for regression model under classification of dependent variable Aheyeva, H.
On outliers and interventions in count time series following glms Fried, R.; Elsaied, H.; Liboschik, T.
On parameters estimation of autoregressive time series under right censoring Badziahin, I. A.
On qualitatively robust sign test in random walk model Boldin, M. V.
On robust kalman filtering with using wavelet analysis Lobach, V. I.
On statistical analysis of embedding in binary markov chain Vecherko, E. V.
On statistical estimation for markov chain of conditional order Maltsew, M. V.
On statistical estimation of parameters for poisson conditional autoregressive model by space-time data Kharin, Yu. S.; Zhurak, M. K.
On statistical models based multi-objective optimization ˇZilinskas, A.
On the exact tolerance intervals for univariate normal distribution Witkovsk´ y, Viktor
On the number of subfunctions of random boolean function which are close to the affine functions set Serov, A. A.
On the power of test for randomness on the base of lempel-ziv predictor Shilkin, A. V.; Kostevich, A. L.
Pair change points of the triplet periodicity of genes Korotkov, E. V.; Korotkova, M. A.; Suvorova, Y. M.
Parameter estimation for diffusion processes: unknown facts in the well-known theory Mishura, M. S.; Shevchenko, G. M.
Parameter estimation in the models with long-range dependence Mishura, Y. S.; Ralchenko, K. V.; Shevchenko, G. M.
Population of the republic of belarus on age and marital status Karpenko, L. I.; Pekarskaya, N. E.
Power-law graphs robustness and forest fires Leri, M. M.; Pavlov, Yu. L.
Prediction of time series based on state space model Lobach, S. V.
Properties of optimal stopping and exit times for diffusion processes and random walks Tomashyk, V. V.
Providing data with high utility and no disclosure risk for the public and researchers: an evaluation by advanced statistical disclosure risk methods Temp, M.
R tools for robust statistical analysis of high–dimensional data Todorov, V.; Filzmoser, P.
Rank tests for multi-sample location problem Stoimenova, Eugenia
Regression smoothing kalman filter Zalesky, B. A.
Reproductive health survey in Belarus Larchenko, A. V.
Robust interpolation problem for stochastic sequences with stationary increments Luz, M. M.
Robust spatio-temporal cluster analysis of disease Abramovich, M. S.; Mitskevich, M. M.
Scalability properties of a new forward search algorithm Perrotta, D.; Riani, M.; Cerioli, A.; Torti, F.
Semiparametric estimation in mixture models with varying mixing probabilities Doronin, A. V.
Sequential testing of parametric hypotheses: performance, robustness and application Kharin, A. Yu.
Some remarks on decomposition of partitioned multivariate models into two seemingly unrelated submodels Fiˇserová, E.; Kubᡠcek, L.
Some remarks on robust estimation of power spectra Shevlyakov, G. L.; Lyubomishchenko, N. S.; Smirnov, P. O.
Some specification aspects for three-factor models of a company’s production potential taking into account intllectual capital Aivazian, S.; Afanasiev, M.; Rudenko, V.
Sparse principal balances for high-dimensional compositional data Mert, Can; Filzmoser, Peter; Hron, Karel
Statistical assessment of the life potential in the regions of the republic of belarus Kulak, A. G.
Statistical company’s credit ratings and their econometric analysis Hryn, N.; Malugin, V.; Novopoltsev, A.
Stochastic simulation model of employment and migration Kovalev, A.
Studying of genome–specificity of triplet periodicity Suvorova, Y. M.; Korotkov, E. V.
Testing for structural Heterogeneity in vector autoregressive model by means of statistical classification methods Malugin, V.
The analysis of the avalanche effect in discrete chaotic maps for block ciphers Sidorenko, A. V.; Mulyarchik, K. S.
The analysis of the influence of the information society’s development on the economic performance in regions of belarus Navickaya, K.; Zhelezko, V.
The joint distribution of the standardized maximum and standardized minimum for a normal sample Shiryaeva, L. K.
The model of the stochastic optimization of the automated forecast of dangerous squalls and tornadoes over the territory of the republic of byelorussia Perekhodtseva, E. V.
Too many skew normal distributions? The practitioneer’s Perspective Charemza, Wojciech; D´ıaz, Carlos; Makarova, Svetlana
Two-step procedure to detect modified jpeg images Kapusta, A. M.
University corporative network traffic analysis based on the methods of nonlinear dynamics Basarab, M. A.; Ivanov, I. P.; Kolesnikov, A. V.; Kolobaev, L. I.
Weight spectra of random linear codes Zubkov, A. M.; Kruglov, V. I.

What drives belarusian export? an econometric exercise

Miksjuk, A.
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