Труды 10-й Международной Конференции "Распознавание образов и обработка информации 2009"

3D Reconstruction of Mouse Brain from Allen Brain Atlas Osokin, A.; Vetrov, D.; Kropotov, D.
A Bounding box Gabor filter-based Minutiae extraction scheme for fingerprint Recognition system Sureshreddy, Y. N.; Jasminfeminapriyadarshini, M. M.
A Flexible Medical Image Archiving and Reporting System Hlindzich, D.; Krasnopevtsev, P.; Poerner, T.; Kryvanos, A.
A Fuzzy Clustering Problem Under Outliers In Data Set Sadovskaya, K.
A Knowledge-base Framework for Analysis of Facial Expressions Using FACS and MPEG-4 Standards Renan Contreras, G.; Starostenko, O.; Alarcon-Aquino, Vicente; Flores-Pulido, Leticia
A Method for 3D Image Retrieval Kovalev, V. A.
A network diagnostics method based on pattern recognition algorithms Olizarovich, E. V.; Rodchenko, V. G.
A New Gaussian Clustering Method for High Dimensional Classification Problems Wu, Dijia; Boyer, K. L.
Adaptation Algorithms And Distance On Experts’ Propositions In Multi-Valued Logics Vikentiev, A. A.; Vikentiev, R. A.
Adaptive Analysis of Experts’ Statements in Pattern Recognition Lbov, G. S.; Gerasimov, M. K.
Adaptive design of experiment for classification tree construction Berikov, V.; Lbov, G.
Adaptive Filtration of Multispectral Images Pradun, D.V.; Zalesky, B. A.; Kravtsov, A. A.
An Algorithm for Real-Time Facial Landmark Detection Based on Circular Gabor Filters Makarau, A. A.; Starovoitov, V. V.
An Ontology-Based Approach to Opinion Mining Bilan, V.; Bobkov, A.; Gafurov, S.; Krasnoproshin, V.; van de Laarin, J.; Vissia, H.
Automated Extraction of Data for Construction of Parkinson's Disease Experimental Model Gurevich, I.; Koryabkina, I.; Kozina, E.; Myagkov, A.; Niemann, H.; Ugrumov, M.; Yashina, V.
Collective behavior in multiagent systems based on Reinforcement Learning Kabysh, A. S.; Golovko, V. A.
Combined approach for face frontal view estimation for video surveillance purposes Sadykhov, R.; Lamovsky, D.; Kharlanov, V.; Kirienko, A.
Coordination of SLAM and Artificial Landmark Recognition using 2D/3D Sensors for Mobile Robot Vision Joochim, C.; Netramai, C.; Roth, H.
Corporate Financial Decision Making Support System Zmitrovich, A. I.; Zuevskiy, A. G.
Correction of experimental distortions in analysis of fluorescence intensity decays by the phase plane method Digris, A. V.; Abramchuk, V. N.; Apanasovich, V. V.; Novikov, E. G.
Decision Making And Optimisation Of Transport Operations With Real Time Freight-Flow Cоrrection Kondratenko, Y. P.; Korobko, O. V.; Kondratenko, V. Y.
Decision Making System for Operative Tasks Shakah, G.; Krasnoproshin, V. V.; Valvachev, A. N.
Decomposition of orthogonal polygons in a set of rectanglеs Shestakov, E.; Voronov, A.
Description of Textures in Problems of Image Segmentation Basing on the Syntactic Approach Yarmolik, A.; Bartashevich, Y.; Prytkov, V.
Designing a New Adaptive Filter for Iris Feature Extraction Ranjzad, H.
Diagnosis of Brain Diseases Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Artificial Neural Networks Erdogan, E.; Karlik, B.
Dynamic Reliability Indices in Reliability Analysis of Multi-State System Zaitseva, E.; Puuronen, S.
Effective Approach to the Computer Models Visualization Problem Mazouka, D.
Electroencephalogram Analysis Based on Artificial Neural Network and Adaptive Segmentation Laurentsyeva, S.; Golovko, V.; Evstigneev, V.
Error Probabilities Evaluation for Sequential Testing of Simple Hypotheses on Data from Continuous Distributions Kharin, A.; Chernov, S.
Experimental Face Identification System Based on Support Vector Machines Frolov, I.; Sadykhov, R.
Extraction of Vertebrae from CT Images Zalesky, B. A.; Lukashevich, P. V.; Rutskaya, E. A.
Fast Realization of Digital Elevation Model Descombes, X.; Kravchonok, A. I.; Lukashevich, P. V.; Zalesky, B. A.
First–Passage Time Moment Approximation For The Wright–Fisher Diffusion Process With Absorbing Barriers Al-Eideh, Basel M.
FPGA Implementation of Short Critical Path CORDIC-Based Approximation of the Eight-Point DCT Vashkevich, M.; Parfieniuk, M.; Petrovskyk, A.
H.264/AVC Decoder Prototype Using a Platform Based SoC Design Methodology Stankevich, A.; Petrovsky, A.; Kachinsky, M.; Parfieniuk, M.; Petrovsky, A.
Human visual system model for Earth observation system’s informative parameters estimation Ivanov, A.; Kotov, M.
Image Processing for Morphological Investigation of the Carcinome Thyroid Gland: Modern Facilities Nedzved, A.; Fridman, M.; Belotserkovsky, A.
Image processing in problems of mosaic images restoration Plekhanov, N. S.
Image Representations in Image Analysis Gurevich, I.; Yashina, V.
Image Restoration Spectral Techniques Milukova, O.; Kober, V.; Ovseevich, I. A.
Image Restoration Spectral Techniques Milukova, O.; Kober, V.; Ovseevich, I. A.
Interpolation of rectangular grids using deformation of curves Pobegailo, A. P.
Investigation of the law of the iterated logarithm for extreme queue length in multiphase queues Minkevicius, S.
Joint Cooperation Between Humans and Cognitive Systems for Complex Task Solving Rigoll, G.; Wallhoffm, F.
Making Image Segmentation Fully Automatic by Case-Based-Reasoning Frucci, M.; Perner, P.; Sanniti di Baja, G.
Mathematical methods in content-services consumption estimation as a part of Decision Support System Delendik
Method of fuzzy clustering with genetic algorithm Novoselova, N. A.; Tom, I. E.
Microwave Image Reconstruction with Two-Antenna Aperture Synthesis and Spatial Antennas Separation Semenchik, V.; Pahomov, V.
Mobile web-based technology for medical image retrieval Dmitruk, A. A.; Kovalev, V. A.
Mouse Brain Slice Segmentation for Analysis of Physiological Activity Nedzved, A.; Osokin, A.; Belotserkovsky, A.; Vetrov, D.; Kropotov, D.; Zhuravlev, Yu.
Moving Objects Detection and Tracking in Video Stream Based On Minimax Similarity Function Bogush, R.; Brovkou, N.
Multi-Agent Systems for E-Commerce Solodukha, T. V.; Sosnovskiy, O. A.; Zhelezko, B. A.
Multi-Agent Systems for E-Commerce Solodukha, T. V.; Sosnovskiy, O. A.; Zhelezko, B. A.
Multiagent Intrusion Detection Based on Neural Network Detectors and Artificial Immune System Vaitsekhovich, L.; Golovko, V.; Rubanau, V.
Multispectral Imagery Fusion for Future Belarusian and Ukrainian Remote Sensing Satellites Popov, M. A.; Starovoitov, V. V.; Stankevich, S. A.; Monich, Y.
Mutation Analysis of HIV-1 Primary Protein Sequences Sergeev, R. S.; Tuzikov, A. V.; Eremin, V. F.
Objects detection and identification based on an adaptive vector model of their boundary representation Fedulov, Y. N.; Kuleshov, A. Y.
On Maximal Balls in Three Volume Grids Borgefors, G.; Strand, R.
On robust forecasting of autoregressive time series under censoring Kharin, Y.; Badziahin, I.
On the Computational Accuracy of the Heuristic Method of Possibilistic Clustering Damaratski, A.; Novikau, D.
Operational Management of Distributed Socio-Economic Systems Krasnoproshin, V. V.; Maksimovich, E. P.; Valvachev, A. N.
Outlines for a New Approach to Generating Fuzzy Classification Rules through Clustering Techniques Viattchenin, D. A.
Pattern Recognition Technique Based on Voting by Systems of Regularities Senko, O. V.; Kuznetsova, A. V.
Photon Counts Simulation in Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy Shingaryov, I. P.; Skakun, V. V.; Apanasovich, V. V.
Preprocessing of microscopy images via Shannon's entropy Urban, J.; Vanek, J.; Stys, D.
Pseudo-distance map transformation for interactive object tracing Nedzved, A.; Bucha, V.; Ablameyko, S.
Recognition of Subsets of Informative Variables in Regression Nechval, N. A.; Nechval, K . N.; Purgailis, M.; Rozevskis, U.; Strelchonok, V.; Moldovan, M.; Bausova, I.; Skiltere, D.
Recognition of the Best Setting for the Target Value of an Industrial Process under Parametric Uncertainty Nechval, K. N.; Nechval, N. A.; Purgailis, M.; Rozevskis, U.; Strelchonok, V.; Moldovan, M.; Bausova, I.; Skiltere, D.
Recognizing Linguistic Models as a Component of Base Linguistic Resources of Natural Language Rubashko, N.
Reconstruction of 3D Shape of Medical Object by 2D Cross-Sections Nedzved, A.; Lukashevich, P.; Ablameyko, S.; Deserno, T. M.; Lehmann, N.
Recurrent Internal Symmetry Networks by Backpropagation in Wallpaper Image Segmentation Guanzhong, Li
Registration of the Spectral Phyto-Indicative Anomaly over Oil and Gas Fields Stankevich, S. A.; Arkhipov, A. I.; Titarenko, O. V.
Reverse handwriting: from ink to word Marcelli, A.
Robot SRSlipuso Sklipuso, D.
Segmentation and Visualization of 3D Medical Images through Haptic Rendering Nystrom, I.; Malmberg, F.; Vidholm, E.; Bengtsson, E.
Simulation of the open message switching system Minkevicius, S.; Kulvietis, G.
Special areas detection using fractal and textural characteristics of high resolution images Doudkin, A.; Ganchenko, V.; Petrovsky, A.; Sobkowiak, B.
Speech Segmentation to Phonemes Based on Hybrid Hidden Markov Models Jingbin, Yan; Shi, Wu; Tkachenia, A. V.; Kheidorov, I. E.
Structure Shape Description Approach for Magnification Images Nedzved, A.; Tsimashchuk, V.; Ablameyko, S.; Dobrogowski, W.; Maziewski, A.; Tekielak, M.
Supervised classification of the observation of spatial Gaussian process with known covariance function Ducinskas, K.
Survival Analysis and Forecasting Methods Based on Ensembles of Regularities Dedovets, M. S.; Senko, O. V.
Text and speaker independent voice conversion Azarov, E.; Petrovsky, A.
Texture Indexes and Gray Level Size Zone Matrix Application to Cell Nuclei Classification Thibault, G.; Fertil, B.; Navarro, C.; Pereira, S.; Cau, P.; Levy, N.; Sequeira, J.; Mari, J. J.
The Concepts of Intellectual Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System Zmitrovich, A. I.; Krivko-Krasko, A. V.; Krino, L. A.
The methods of modeling and structure estimation building for KNN classifiers on the basis of small training sets Tayanov, V.
To Question of Construction Failure-Safe Digital System On Programmable Logic Integrated Circuits Korotaev, N. A.; Vysocki, M. M.
Towards Generalization of Image Anisotropy Analysis Kovalev, V. A.
Using Java to prototype a H.264/AVC decoder Parfieniuk, M.; Petrovsky, A.; Petrovsky, A.
Vessel-based non-linear registration of MR/CT images for monitoring of a patient Ivanov, N.; Marchenko, E.
Voice Conversion Using LSF Modification Algorithm in Harmonic and Noise Speech Model of Acoustical Processor in Embedded TTS Sawicki, A.
WOLA Filter Bank Design Requirements in Hearing Aids Rosa-Zurera, M.; Gil-Pita, R.; Alexandre-Cortizo, E.; Utrilla-Manso, M.; Cuadra-Rodriguez, L.
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