2012. Моделирование процессов систем: Труды Международной конференции

Parallel Corpora as a Linguistic Recourse and their Applications Rubashko, N.
Risk of Forecasting with Fitting Bloomfield Model to Independent Training Sample Voloshko, V.
Realization of Decision Making Based on Subject Collections Vissia, H.; Shakah, G.; Valvachev, A.
Novel Approach to Intellectualization of Decision Making Based on Subject Collections Vissia, H.
Operational Management of Distributed Active Systems Based on the Cloud Approac Krasnoproshin, V.; Maksimovich, E.
The Occam's Razor Principle for Data Mining Models Based on Degenerate Selfguessing Fuzzy Classification Algorithms Vatlin, S.
Identification of Markov Chains of Conditional Order Maltsew, M.; Kharin, Yu.
The Prototype of Software System of Neural Network Control of Telemetry Data Ganchenko, V.; Doudkin, A.; Inyutin, A.; Marushko, Y.; Podenok, L.; Sadykhov, R.
Construction of Copula Models Novik, A.; Troush, N.
Recognition With Learning As a Problem of Choice Obraztsov, V.
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Simulation Kuzmina, A.
Development of Dynamic Subject Domain Based on Distributed Expert Knowledge Karkanitca, A.
Algorithms of Calculate Wavelets Spectral Estimate with Doubeshies Scaling Function Semianchuk, N.
Fuzzy MCDM Approach for E-Commerce Websites Selection Design Liu, H.; Krasnoproshin, V.; Zhang, S.
Computer Modeling as Element of Education and Training Korotaev, N. A.; Vysocki, M. M.
Using Ensembles of Neural Networks for Forecasting Telemetry Data Marushko, Y.
Implementation and Testing Algorithm of Input Data Preparation for Single-Beam IC Layout Generator Avakaw, S.; Doudkin, A.; Voronov, A.
Customer Experience Assessment: Forgotten Effects Alarcon, C. N.; Gil Lafuente, J.
The Problem of Automation in Dynamic Models Visualization Krasnoproshin, V.; Mazouka, D.
Assignment Process for the Optimization of the Products Distribution in the Commercial Centres Gil Lafuente, A. M.; Klimova, A.
Modeling of the Liquidity Evaluation on Stock Markets Zhelezko, B.; Siniavskaya, O.
Based on Perceptron Object Classification Algorithms for Processing of Agricultural Field Images Ganchenko, V.; Doudkin, A.; Pawlowski, T.; Petrovsky, A.; Sadykhov, R.
Formulation of Mathematical Mode! of Picketing of Liquor Shops and Warehouses Chaturvedi, S.; Johri, S.; Modak, J.
A Model of Solving of Pattern Recognition Problems Based on Resolution Method Shut, O.
Non-primitive Hamming Codes Lipnitski, V.
Security Management of Intelligent Technologies in Business Intelligence Systems Kadan, A.
Current Financial Diagnostics of Enterprises Lobanova, E. N.; Zmitrovich, A. I.; Voshevoz, A. A.; Krivko-Krasko, A. V.; Zbarouski, S. N.
A Branch and Bound Method for Optimization Problems with Fuzzy Numbers Iemets, O.; Yemets, O.
Correction of the Knowledge Database of Fuzzy Decision Support System with Variable Structure of the Input Data Kondratenko, Y.; Sidenko, le.
Algebraic Geometry Mehrez, M.
On Some Approaches to Creation of the Complex Universal System Supporting Laser Express Expertise Rudikova, L.
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Simulation for Multi-Joined Robot Kabysh, A.; Golovko, V.
A Framework for Object Detection and Segmentation in Medical Images Using Arbitrary Shapes Alilou, M.; Kovalev, V.
On the Simulation of HM-Networks and their Application Bekish, N.; Kiturko, O.
Supervised Clustering of Genes for Multi-Class Phenotype Classification Novoselova, N.; Tom, I.
Variation in the Activity Coefficient of Zinc Sulfate in the Presence of Sulfuric Acid Begar, A.; Djeghlal, M. A.; Saada, A.
Stochastic Modeling for Choice of Tariff Policy in Corporate Local Network Kosareva, E.; Matalytski, M.
On the Stochastic Model of Clients Processing in Insurance Company with Time-Dependent Service Parameters Rusilko, T.
Representation Method of Formal Pattern Classes in Cluster Mode at Building of Recognition Systems Rodchenko, V. V.; Rodchenko, V. G.; Zhukevich, A. I.
Odometers Error Estimation of the Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot Kasyanik, V.; Dunets, I.; Dunets, A.
Simulation Modeling of HM-Queueing Network With Limited Wait Time of Messages in Queueing Systems Statkevich, V.
The Correlation-Based Method for the Movement Compensation in the Analysis of the Results of FRAP Experiments Lisitsa, Y.; Halavatyi, A.; Hadzic, E.; Friederich, E.; Yatskou, M.; Apanasovich, V.
Modeling and Simulation Krasnoproshin, V.; Gil Lafuente, M.
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