2004. Международная конференция “Моделирование процессов и систем”

Neuro-Computer Based Mathematical Analysis In Medical Diagnostics Jamuna, R.; Meena, K.
Construction Of Self-Diagnosed Digital Devices With Programmed Logic Korotaev, N. A.; Vysocki, M. M.
Comprehensive Approach To Automation Of Laboratory Researches In Medical Institution Truhan, V.; Mozheyko, D.; Anishchenko, A.
Software Development Of Information-Advertising Catalogue Creation Neviarouskaya, A. V.
Principles Of Monte Carlo Simulations In Physical Chemistry: Luminescence Of Organized Dye Molecules Yatskou, M. M.; Kavalenka, A.; Apanasovich, V. V.; Calzaferri, G.
New Approaches In Internet Projects Evaluation Marozau, P. E.; Nepravsky, A. A.
Use Of Expert Estimations In The Form Of Indistinct Triangular Number For Forecasting The Condition Of Liquidity Of Commercial Bank Jankovskiy, I.
Economies Of Scale, Elasticities And Productive Efficiency To The Spanish Airports Network Rendeiro Martín-Cejas, Roberto
The Use Of Business Games In Problem Solving And Decision Making Skiltere, D.; Bausova, I.
Design Modelling And Simulation Methods For Compact Intellectual Production Organization Svirsky, D.
Selection Of A Dam In The River Basin Of River Duero By Promethee Method Gento, Angel M.
Quality Management Under Uncertainty Krasnoproshin, V. V.; Serenkov, P. S.; Maksimovich, E. P.
Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes And Their Application To Economic Development Trends Al-Eideh, Basel M.
Building A Flight Control System For A Modelled Aircraft Garratt, P. W.; Rushton, A. J.; Yilmaz, E.
Fuzzy Analysis Of Enterprises Buncruptcy Zmitrovich, А. I.
Evaluation Of Distance Learning Quality Based On Pattern Recognition Ghazi, Shakah
A Computer System For Diagnostics Of Malignant Neoplasms Using Statistical Decision Rules Abramovich, M. S.; Kovalevsky, E. V.; Mashevsky, A. A.
Modelization Of The Decision Analysis As A Base To A Decision Support System Berriel, R.; Martinez, G.; Betancor, R.; Sanchez, I.
The Fuzzy Decision Of Transportation Problem Sevastianov, P.; Dymova, L.; Dolata, M.
Comparison Study Of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Syomkin, A. M.
Use Of The Stress Testing Method In Diagnostics Of Crisis At An Enterprise Bykov, A.
Developing Multiple Sub Functions Per Association Function For Data Mining System Sivakumar, R.; Meena, K.
A New Tool In The Treatment For The Wider Information Provided By Experts For The Selection Of Players Gil-Lafuente, J.
Forward Interest Rates And Volatility Of Zero Coupon Yield Medvedev, G.
Robust Bayes Forecasting For Grouped Binary Data With Known Distortion Interval Pashkevich, M.
Statistical Properties Of Estimates Of Mutual Spectral Densities With Polynomial Window Of Data Viewing Troush, N. N.; Vasilenko, J. V.
The Variogram Estimates Of The Intrinsically-Stationary Stochastic Processes And Fields Troush, N. N.; Tsekhavaya, T. V.
Computer Generation Of Random-Close Packing Of Spheres Hlushkou, D.; Apanasovich, V.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A.; Tallarek, U.
Statistical Models And Decisions In Aircraft Service Nechval, K. N.; Nechval, N. A.; Vasermanis, E. K.
Adaptive Cfar Tests For Detection And Recognition Of Target Signals In Radar Clutter Strelchonok, V. F.; Nechval, N. A.; Nechval, K. N.; Vasermanis, E. K.
Dynamic Airline Seat Inventory Control Nechval, N. A.; Nechval, K. N.; Vasermanis, E. K.
About Statistical Estimator Of Pulse Transfer Function For Linear Systems Li, Fu
On Departure Flows Of The Served Customers In Multiphase Queueing Systems Minkevicius, S.; Steisunas, S.
Technique For The Hidden Transfer Of The Color Images Reznik, I. A.; Sadykhov, R. Kh.
Three-dimensional Image Reconstruction For Water Modelling of Metal Casting Processes Choi, Jeong-Kil; Choi, Ki-Young; Hwang, Ho-Young; Marukovich, E. I.; Branovitsky, A. M.; Dovnar, D. V.; Zakharov, I. L.
Integrated Circuit (Ic) And Photomask Images Processing Technology Doudkin, A.; Vershok, D.
The Framework To Create The System Of Self-Optimizing Mobile Agents Otwagin, A.; Sadykhov, R.; Chelalo, A.
The Architecture Of System For Analysis And Optimization Of Parallel Programs Otwagin, A.; Sadykhov, R.; Bogomazov, A.
Moving Detection And Localization In Video Surveillance Systems Kochetkov, A.
The Experimental Evaluation Of Inductive Algorithms Accuracy On Datasets From Public Data Repositories Ryabtsev, A.
Features Of Recognition And Mapping Of Soils By Methods Of Digital Processing Of Aerial Photographs Konakh, V. V.; Topaz, A. A.
Development Of Three-Dimensional Animation Of Spherical Motion Platform Used In Virtual Reality Systems Tsetserukou, D. O.; Neviarouskaya, A. V.; Fontaine, J. G.
Direct Color Objects Processing In Cartographic Images Bucha, V.; Ablameyko, S.
Microwave Imaging Equipment And Algorithms Semenchik, V.; Pahomov, V.
Vascular Tree Characteristic Table Building From 3d Mr Brain Angiography Images Sanko, D. V.; Tuzikov, A. V.; Vasiliev, P. V.
Object Reconstruction On 3d Ultrasound Images Using Simplex Meshes Snezhko, E. V.; Tuzikov, A. V.
Loseless Image Compression For Remote Desktop Systems Pronchev, V. V.; Tuzikov, A. V.
Invariance Improved Legendre Moments As Contour-Shape Descriptor Dinesh Kumar, V. P.; Linesh, J.; Katan, R.; Tessamma, T.
Computer Analysis Of Multiple-Choice Examination Documents Karpowicz, J.; Malina, W.; Smiatacz, M.
Syntactic Approach Of Pronominal Anaphora Resolution In Intellectual Information Systems Patsepnia, V.
Topic-Based Approach To Document Classification Voronkov, N.
Quality Improvement Of Pos Tagging In Industrial Text Processing Systems Vorontsov, A.
Formal Representation Of The Text Content Kravchenko, S.
A Part-Of-Speech Tagging Based On Subtraction Of Word-Based Regular Languages Cheusov, A.
Neural Network Based Algorithm Of Preliminary Data Analysis: Application To Fluorescence And Esr Spectroscopy Nazarov, P. V.; Kavalenka, A. A.; Makarava, K. U.; Lutkovski, V. M.; Apanasovich, V. V.
Corpus Linguistics Approach To Natural Language Investigation Rubashko, N.
Neural Network Simulation Of Δ-Correlated Stochastic Signals Nazarov, P. V.; Popleteev, A. M.; Lutkovski, V. M.; Apanasovich, V. V.
Real Solutions In A Second Degree Equation With Fuzzy Coefficients. Economical Applications Bonet, G.; Ferrer, J. C.; Bonet, J.
Income And Risk Treatment On Fixed Bonds From Fuzziness Point Of View Munte, R.; Cassu, E.; Corominas, D.
Linear-Fractional Network Problem With Additional Constraints Pilipchuk, L. A.; Laguto, A. A.
A Genetic Algorithm Based On 2-Tuples For The New Product Development Problem Lуpez–Gonzalez, E.; Mendaсa–Cuervo, C.
A 2-Tuples Model For The New Product Development Problem Lуpez–Gonzalez, E.; Mendaсa–Cuervo, C.
Fuzzy Data Analysis: A Methodological Approach Couturier, A.; Fioleau, B.
A Topology Called Clan. Its Immersion In Social Sciences Gil Aluja, J.
The Influence Of Migration On Epidemic Process Eskov, V. M.; Rachkovskaya, V. A.
Investigation Of The Synergetic Property Of Biomechanical Mamalia Sys-Tem With Computing Using Eskov, V. M.; Papshev, V. A.; Klimov, O. V.; Zharkov, D. A.
Identification Of Stationary And Unstationary Regimes Of Respiratory Neuron Network With Computer Using Eskov, V. M.; Kulaev, S. V.; Popov, U. M.
On The Cotinuous Time Limits Of Arch Models Kulikova, E.
Particular Qualities Of The Microsphere Plate Simulation Chudovskaya, E. A.; Dautov, M. M.
Investigation Of A "Dead Zone " In Porous Catalyst Granule In Case Of Simple Reactions With Langmuir And Hinshelwood Kinetics In A Non-Steady-State Conditions Andreev, V. V.
Optimal Investment Planning Model For Power Plants Gupta, V. K.; Garg, R. K.
Real Times Numerical Feedback Optimal Controls To Parabolic Boundary Problem Borzenkov, A. V.; Konovalov, O. L.; Ariko, I.
A Fast Iterative Procedure To Solve Wkb Equation In Optical Planar Waveguides With Graded-Index Profiles Laid Aoulmi, Mohammed
Particle-Based Simulation Of Electron Avalanche In Silicon Microplasma Apanasovich, V. V.; Baranouski, A. K.
Systems Of Control With After-Effect And Open Problems Marchenko, V. M.
Analytical Method For Research Of The Quasi-Stationary Heat Transfer Process With The Mixed Boundary Conditions Mandrik, P.
A Breakdown Voltage Extraction Technique Using Numerical Modeling In Mos Structures Bentarzi, H.; Dehmas, M.; Zitouni, A.
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