2003. VII международная конференция "Распознавание образов и обработка информации"

Traing Algorithm For Forecasting Multilayer Neural Network Maniakov, N.; Makhnist, L.; Rubanov, V.
Algorithms of Solving Pattern Recognition Tasks with Uncertain Data Ryabtsev, A.
A Modification Of Tamura's Pattern Classification Method Viattchenin, D. A.; Klempach, V.; Yarkou, Y.
"Accelerated Perceptron": A Self-Learning Linear Decision Algorithm Zuev, Yu. A.
The mutual variogram estimate of the signal processes Troush, N. N.; Tsekhovaya, T. V.
Sequential testing of simple hypotheses on parameters of Markov chains Kharin, A.; Kishilov, D.
Segmentation and classification of the blood flow signals Abramovich, M. S.; Zhuk, E. E.
Statistical classification under direct choice of informative features and its risk Serikova, E.
The LAD test of a unit root null with fat tailed innovations Shardyko, V.
On Some Statistical Tests For Randomness Kharin, Yu. S.; Snihir, J. V.
An Automated Procedure Of Indentifying SARIMA Models For Macroeconomic Time Series Kravtsov, M. K.; Luka, Yu. Z.; Podkopaev, D. P.
Robust Analysis Of Clustered Binary Data: Beta-Binomial Model Under Response Misclassification Pashkevich, M.; Kharin, Yu.
Image merging algorithms using partially overlapped regions Sadykhov, R. Kh.; Doudkin, A. A.; Vatkin, M. E.
Energy phases of the image rows and their application Murashko, N. I.; Ablameyko, S. V.
Kalman filter reconstruction and image post-processing for flow pattern recognition Belotserkovsky, A.; Samadurau, U.; Tillack, G. R.; Artemiev, V.
Computer-aided inspection of some topological rules of integration circuits layers Doudkin, A. A.; Vershok, D. A.
A gray-scale object correlation detection Bogush, R.; Maltsev, S.; Ablameyko, S.
High level programming using a Petry net specification for image processing Cheremisinov, D. I.
Diabetic retinopathy analysis Sivakumar, R.; Muthayya, M.; Lakshminarayanan, S.; Velmurughendran, C. U.
Continuous parametrization of normal distributions for improving the discrete statistical eigenspace approach for object recognition Graessl, Ch.; DeInzer, F.; Niemann, H.
Image analysis using automata Levin, V. I.
System of the multicriterional identification of the trade marks images Alkoffash, M. S.; Bairak, S. A.; Hardzeyeu, V. P.; Pachynin, D. V.; Tatur, M. M.
An approach to reduce the power consumption during signature analysis Borovikov, M. G.
A switching activity reducing tecnique for the signature analyzer Murashko, I.; Yarmolik, V.
A calibration program for autonomous video based robot navigation systems Florczyk, S.
Multi-layer SOM neural network for IC-items detection on photo-snapshot images of poly-silicon layer Vatkin, M. E.
Knowledge extraction for test systems Shakah, G.
Evolutionary algorithms in multiobjective problems Syomkin, A. M.; Zmitrovich, A. I.
An approach to decision making under uncertainty Krasnoproshin, V. V.; Maksimovich, E. P.
Unstructured knowledge synthesis for decision making problems Krasnoproshin, V.; Valvachev, A.; Vissia, H.
Decision making technics for acquiring players who adapt to different systems of play Gil-Lafuente, J.
Remote sensing materials processing in soil cartography Konakh, V. V.; Topaz, A. A.
Numerical experiment to program and feedback controls in observation problem Borzenkov, A. V.; Konovalov, O. L.
Data processing in the imitational agent-based model of financial market Senko, D. V.
Interactive Internet-service for computer testing in mathematics Kadan, A. M.; Maskevich, D. S.
The questions of using heuristic and logical methods in business-process description Polyakova, G. L.
Procedure for multi-criterion choice of alternatives under risk environment on the basis of modified analytic hierarchy process Batin, N. V.
Far-infrared and radio emission features of the galactic nuclear region Poplavsky, A. L.
Document clusterization based on its topic-oriented representation Voronkov, N.
Effective implementation of word-based regular expressions notation in natural language processing Postanogov, D.
Hidden Markov model approach for non-sequential data in word sense disambiguation task Olonichev, S.
The word-based regular expressions in computational linguistics Cheusov, A. V.
Ontology-based prior art search Bondarenok, A.
Some issues of creation of belarusian language computer resources Rubashko, N.; Nevmerjitskaia, G.
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