2010. Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Complex Stochastic Data and Systems

A compositional approach to contingency tables Egozcue, J. J.; Pawlowsky-Glahn, V.
A goodness-of-fit test for uniform distribution on a finite group Kruglov, V. I.
A model of the interbank interest rate and its application in liquidity management by the national bank of Belarus Miksjuk, A.
A new approach to parameter estimate in a spatial autoregression model of first order Mirzaev, T. S.; Startsev, A. N.
About robustness and power of variance homogeneity tests Gorbunova, A. A.; Lemeshko, B. Yu.; Lemeshko, S. B.
About some estimation for stable time series Akinfina, M. A.
Active learning for black-box models Rubens, N.; Sheinmany, V.; Okamoto, T.; Ueno, M.
Adaptive probability weighted moments estimation Gomes, M. I.; Caeiro, F.
Airport airspace traffic simulation research system Alexandrov, V. V.; Sikachevc, V. Y.
Allophone segmentation by cepstra statistics Barabanov, A. E.; Moskalevich, P.
An application of the choleskized multivariate distributions for constructing inflation «fan charts» Charemza, W. W.; Makarova, S.; Jelonek, P.
Analysis of HM-networks with arbitrary topology Koluzaeva, E. V.; Matalytski, M. A.
Analysis of medical data by empirical Bayes method Sakalauskas, L.; Jakimauskas, G.; Susinskas, J.
Analysis of tests for randomness based on universal predictors: Bernoulli trials case Kostevich, A. L.; Shilkin, A. V.
Application of a Monte-Carlo method for search of the reading frame shifts in DNA coding sequences Rudenko, V. M.; Korotkov, E. V.
Application of cox regression model for left-truncated data Belaskova, E.; Fiserova, S.
Application of robust discriminant analysis for image steganalysis Kapusta, A. M.; Abramovich, M. S.
Approximate formulae for expectation of functionals containing stochastic integrals Egorov, A. D.
Approximation of multidimensional dependency based on an expansion in parametric functions from the dictionary Burnaev, E. V.; Belyaev, M. G.; Prihodko, P. V.
Automatic generation of dimension reduction procedures Markevich, S. V.; Chernova, S. S.
Automatic nonparametric signal filtration Dobrovidov, A. V.; Koshkin, G. M.
Clustering in dimension reduction for function approximation problem Burnaev, E. V.; Prihodko, P. V.
Comparison of missing value imputation methods for Turkish monthly total precipitation data Asian, S.; Yozgatligil, C.; Iyigaun, C.; Batmaz, I.; Tiirkes, M.; Tatli, H.
Comparison of tests for approaching hypotheses on the nonlinear regression parameter Grigoriev, Yu. D.
Complexity metrics and visualization of DNA sequences Rekasius, T.
Computer analysis of a cyclic service algorithm with varying durations Zorine, A. V.
Computer analysis of flow data for controlling system refusals Fedotkin, M. A.
Computer approach in constructing survival regression models and testing adequacy Chimitova, E. V.; Remneva, M. M.; Vedernikova, M. A.
Computer data analysis in metamodeling Bernstein, A. V.; Kuleshov, A. P.
Computer model of running crown forest fire Barovik, D. V.; Taranchuk, V. B.
Computer modeling of the reliability of functionally complex system Sukach, E. I.; Maslovich, S. F.; Girust, P. V.; Ratobylskay, D. V.
Contamination models in the R package simFrame for statistical simulation Alfons, A.; Tempi, M.; Filzmoser, P.
Data series forecasting using non-decimated wavelet transform Mirotin, E.
Dimension reduction as a part of function approximation problem Bernstein, A. V.; Burnaev, E. V.; Belyaev, M. G.; Prihodko, P. V.
Econometric approach to the assessing of production potential of a company accounting for human capital Aivazian, S.; Afanasiev, M.
Efficiency assessment of the rule and model bases in decision support systems Zhelezko, B. A.; Siniavskaya, O. A.
Empirical Bayes testing goodness-of-fit for high-dimensional data Radavicius, M.; Jakimauskas, G.; Susinskas, J.
Error probabilities for sequential testing of simple hypotheses under functional distortions Kharin, A.Yu.; Chernov, S. Yu.
Estimation of skew t-distribution by Monte-Carlo Markov chain approach Sakalauskas, L.; Vaiciulyte, L.
Estimation of the location parameter of a-stable distributions Troush, N. N.; Hailong, Chen
Exact J-optimal designs for the regression line with linear or relay perturbed variance of observations Kirlitsa, V. P.
Exploratory compositional data analysis using the R-package robCompositions Hron K., K.; Tempi, M.; Filzmoser, P.
Exploring compositional data with the coda-dendrogram Pawlowsky-Glahn, V.; Egozcue, J. J.
Fitting finite mixture models to censored data Friedl, H.; Booth, J.
Fuzzy Bayesian inference Viertl, R.
Generalised mathematical model for interpretation of frap experiments Halavatyi, A. A.; Yatskou, M. M.; Apanasovich, V. V.; Friederich, E.
Goodness-of-fit test based on local maxima Kharitonova, N. A.; Khil, E. V.; Zubkov, A. M.
Graphical and numerical analysis of spatial data with a GUI and R Dutter, R.
Hepoclan - a software tool for heuristic possibilistic clustering Damaratski, A.; Juodelis, A.; Novikau, D.; Viattchenin, D. A.
Heuristic possibilistic clustering and switching regression Viattchenin, D. A.
Identification of a speaker position Barabanov, A. E.; Grusha, A.
Increasing the power of a two-level chi-square procedure of multiple hypothesis testing Nikitina, I. S.; Kostevich, A. I.
Intensity distribution analysis in fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy with a two-dimensional brightness profile Shingaryov, I. P.; Skakun, V. V.; Apanasovich, V. V.
Invariant approximation and its application for integration of data-domain knowledge into metamodels Kuleshov, A. P.; Bernstein, A. V.; Burnaev, E. V.
Investigation of some criteria for detection of variance shift and nonrandomness in a sequence of observations under various distribution laws and sample sizes Volkova, V.; Tronina, A.; Pogorelova, T.
Kalman filtering algorithm in presence of outliers Lobach, V. I.
Limit theorems for the critical Galton-Watson branching process with state-dependent immigration Azimov, J. B.
Linear multidimensional-matrix procrustes transformation Mukha, V. S.
Local limit theorem for a/2-type statistic in internet graphs Cheplyukova, I. A.; Pavlov, Yu. L.
Logical and precedent-related representation of information in pattern recognition Shut, O. V.
Macroeconometric modeling and forecasting of the Belarusian economy Kravtsov, M. K.; Bareika, N. M.; Burdyka, V. I.
Markov-binomial option pricing model Radkov, P.; Minkova, L. D.
Measuring of the efficiency of bank branches on the basis of DEA approach Korchahin, A.; Zhukau, A.
Method of singular wavelet: data approximation and smoothing according to process effectiveness Romanchak, V. M.; Hurevich, V. L.; Serenkov, P. S.
Method of statistical tests independence checking Skrypnik, L. V.; Kovalchuk, L. V.; Bezditnyi, V. T.
Model selection in function approximation problem based on statistical learning theory Burnaev, E. V.; Belyaev, M.G.
Models for underreporting: a Bernoulli sampling approach for reported counts Neubauer, G.; Duras, G.; Friedl, H.
Multivariate outlier detection with compositional data Filzmoser, P.; Hron, K.
New approaches and improved tests in mathematics using computer technology Rakhimov, G.; Ibragimova, N.; Rihsieva, U.; Rakhimova, M.
Non-parametric models of stochastic systems with delay Boyko, R. S.; Demchenko, Ya. L.; Medvedev, A. V.
Nonparametric analysis of stochastic systems with nonlinear functional heterogeneity Malugin, V.; Vasilkov
Nonparametric modeling of high order linear dynamical processes Ikonnicov, O. A.; Sergeeva, N. A.
Object detection in a cluttered background with a noisy image Aguilar-Gonzalez, P. M.; Kober, V.; Ovseyevich, I. A.
Offline estimation of origin-destination matrices using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation algorithm Aneichyk, T.
On a multivariate homogeneity test based on one-class support vector machines Chistiakov, S. P.
On a two-stage clustering procedure and the choice of objective function Owsinski, J. W.
On connection between the q-processes and the branching processes allowing immigration Imomov, A. A.
On finding the fundamental matrix of finite state homogeneous Markov chains in special case Gaiduk, A. N.
On inequalities of information geometry Voloshko, V. A.
On maximum likelihood estimation of parameters for censored autoregressive time series Badziahin, I. A.; Kharin, Yu. S.
On some problems of statistical acceptance control Formanov, Sh. K.; Formanova, T. A.; Sharipova, L. D.
On statistical analysis of Markov chains with conditional memory depth Kharin, Yu. S.; Maltsew, M. V.
On statistical hypotheses testing of embedding Kharin, Yu. S.; Vecherko, E. V.
On the joint distribution of precedences and exceedances for the two-sample problem Stoimenova E., E.; Balakrishnan, N.
On the method for finding invariants of factor analysis models Stafeev, S.
On the number of boolean functions in a given neighbourhood of the affine functions set Serov, A. A.; Zubkov, A. M.
On the using of econometric models in the credit scoring systems Malugin, V. I.; Hryn, N. V.
Optimal predictions of powers of conditionally heteroskedastic processes Francq, C.; Zakoian, J. -M.
Overview of broadband wireless access technologies and stochastic models for their performance evaluation Sokolov, B. V.; Tsivirko, E. G.; Vinel, A. V.
Parameters estimation of the Weibull distribution on randomly censored samples Tikhov, M. S.; Borodina, T. S.
Profile statistics for sparse contingency tables Radavicius, M.; Samusenko, P.
Real business cycle model for Lithuanian economy Jakaitiene, A.; Katina, J.
Reliability forecasting of vehicles basing upon the graph of states Abramovich, M. S.; Prikhodko, Yu. .
Robust estimation of a correlation coefficient: an attempt of survey Shevlyakov, G. L.; Smirnov, P. O.
Russian banks probability of default models: money laundering vs. financial insolvency Peresetsky, A. A.
Search of possible reading frame shifts in genes Korotkov, E.
Semiparametric bayesian analysis of gene-environment interactions Lobach, I.
Sequential testing of composite hypotheses under simultaneous distortions of priors and observations Kharin, A. Yu.
Simulation model of the insurance company Behunkou, U. I.; Smorodinsky, S. S.
Software support for automatically generated procedures Vetrov, D. E.; Chernova, O.

Spatial clustering in rare diseases and its use for childhood leukemia Abramovich, M. S.; Anishchanka, S. V.; Anishchanka, A. V.; Savva, N. N.
Statistical analysis and optimization in the process/device/circuit/system microelectronics design Kuleshov, A.; Nelayev, V.; Stempitsky, V.
Statistical analysis of high-order Markov chains with partial connections Kharin, Yu. S.; Piatlitski, A. I.
Statistical analysis of parameter estimations of some time series models Troush, N. N.; Yarosh, A. N.
Statistical forecasting based on Bloomfield exponential model Voloshko, V. A.; Kharin, Yu. S.
Steganographic method with histogram correction Volkorez, E. O.
Structurally resolved stochastic simulation model of actin polymerization Chukhutsina, V. V.; Halavatyi, A. A.; Yatskou, M. M.; Friederich, E.; Apanasovich, V. V.
Supervised classification of the scalar Gaussian random field observation Ducinskas, K.; Dreiziene, L.
Tail properties of Pearson statistics distributions Filina, M. V.; Zubkov, A. M.
Testing the effect of covariates in life time models under censoring Liero, H.
The Bayes decision rule stability under inaccurately determined class prior probabilities Zhuk, E. E.
The method based on binary MC(s,r) under additive distortions for estimating the model parameters of Geffe's generator Piatlitski, A. I.
The model of statistical forecast of storm wind and heavy rainfalls at the territory of Belarus Perekhodtseva, E.
The original classification algorithm for the improvement of regression models for the purpose of taxation Kornoushenko, E. K.; Lobko, A. A.
Three scatter matrices and independent subspace analysis Nordhausen, K.; Oja, H.
Updated Walras model Katin, I.; Mockus, J.
Variance gamma process simulation and it's parameters estimation Kuzmina, A. V.

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