IСPC Belarus and Baltics Regional Contest

Russian version


Welcome on the web-site of The Belarus and Baltics Regional Programming Contest (a quarter-final of the International Collegiate Programming Contest - Belarus, Latvia, Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation) 

Special competition regulations 2021 will be published soon (see it in the russian version site)

The qualification competition will be held online October, 24  2021 -

Registration is open on

You can use for registration this path:

46th Annual World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest >
The 2021 Northern Eurasia Finals >
The 2021 Belarus and Baltics Regional Contest >
  The 2021 Belarus and Baltics Regional Qualification Contest>

The organizing committee established the possibility of additional places for universities that became active participants in the qualification competitions 

The 2021 Belarus and Baltics Regional Contest will be held online November, 14  2021



Congratulations to the winners!  


BelarusianSU 1: Dzianis Kim, Aliaksandr Kernazhytski, Ivan Lukyanov


BelarusianSU 22: Daniil Dzenhaliou, Nikita Kondibor, Anton Kernazhytski


 15 teams are going to St.Petersburg for the next stage of the competition - Northern Eurasia Programming Contest 2018  Good Luck!


The Organizing Committee invites teams of universities carrying out experts training in mathematics, programming, and information technology to take part in the ¼ finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest


Belarusian State University
The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

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