ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest

ACM ICPC is a three-stage competition among teams of students representing institutions of higher education ( ). Teams first compete in regional contests held around the world from October till December each year (quarter-finals and semi-finals). The winning team from each regional contest advances to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals, typically held the following March till mid-April. It is the oldest (since 1970), largest (more than 8000 teams from 2000 universities from over 88 countries on six continents) and most prestigious programming contest in the world.

The Belarusian team began their participation in these championships not so long ago - only in 1995/96. The teams of our region had to go abroad to participate in the qualifying tournament championship - to the countries of Western Europe (teams from Estonia and Latvia) or to the countries of Southern Europe and then to Russia (the team of Belarus).

Since 1998, the Belarusian State University has been honored to be one of 250 hosts of Regional quarter-final contests held in October annually. 14 years the BSU has attracted the best teams from the universities of Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Kaliningrad region to qualify for further participation in the semi-final competitions. For students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, the competition for many years has been considered to be the Republican Student Olympiad in Programming.

Each team of 3 students have at its own disposal one computer to solve the problems offered within 5 hours. A solution is accepted when it works correctly on the given set of tests (the time is also restricted). If the program fails, the Jury reports it to the team and adds a penalty time for each unsuccessful attempt. During the competition participants and observers have access to the preliminary results of all teams. The team which solves more problems than any other team is considered to be the winner.

Almost every year the BSU team not only win the quarter-final competitions, but also has the right to participate in the finals among the top 100 teams in the world. In 2004, the BSU team won the championship Gold Medals, and in 2008 - Bronze Medals. Look for more information about the history of the competition on


International Collegiate Contest in Informatics and Programming

International Collegiate Contest in Informatics and Programming (ICCIP) is a subcontest of the Northeastern European Regional Contest (NEERC) of the ICPC held annually. The main difference between ICCIP and ICPC is that awards recipients are universities not teams. The ratings are made for the ICCIP as a whole and for the following universities: the Universities of the Baltic states and Belarus (Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania); Transcaucasian Universities (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia); the Universities of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan); the Universities of Siberia (Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts).

Since 2009 the contest has been a two-stage competition among teams of students representing institutions of higher education. The teams first compete in the Regional competition (October, Minsk, Belarusian State University). The Regional competition is conducted by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and Belarusian State University. The winning teams advance to the Final Round (November, St.Petersburg, Russia).


Open BSU Olympiads in Programming

The BSU Olympiads in Programming are carried out to attract students, as well as schoolchildren - future students - to participate in programming competitions.

For students – the BSU Olympiad is a step in the selection of the quarter-final competition ICPC.

For future students - the BSU Olympiad has actually become the Minsk Team Championship in programming.

Many teams of universities and schools of the Republic of Belarus take part in competitions online via the Internet. The total number of participants in recent years exceeds 150. The students of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science have for many years been the winners of this Olympiad.



International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC)

International Mathematics Competition for University Students has been held annually since 1994. It has involved hundreds of students from many universities around the world (represented by universities from Russia, Ukraine, the United States, Western and Eastern Europe, Iran, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Angola, etc.).

The competition is planned for students completing their first, second, third or fourth year of university education and consists of 2 Sessions of 5 hours each. Problems cover the following branches of mathematics: Algebra, Analysis (Real and Complex), Geometry and Combinatorics. The working language is English.

The team of the Belarusian State University has been taking part in the IMC since 2001. And BSU students have won 36 gold, 22 silver and 5 bronze medals in these prestigious competitions since then.

Official website of IMC:


The Republican Student Olympiad in mathematics

Republican Olympiad is conducted in order to identify, support and develop creative abilities of gifted students, improving the quality of education.

The Olympiad is held in the form of two independent events in the individual competition. And the students are divided into the following groups:
• Group A - for students of classical and pedagogical universities;
• Group B - for students of technical universities and other higher educational establishments.
Students of group B may opt to participate in the Republican Olympiad, which is organized for students of group A.

The Republican Olympiad in each group has one internal round, which is conducted in the form of written work, which, in its turn, includes 5-6 tasks (tasks from different branches of mathematics). The Olympiad can last up to 5 hours.


Olympiad Belarusian State University in mathematics


Belarusian State University Olympiad in mathematics is conducted in order to increase students' interest in the courses and disciplines, encouraging them to improve their professional knowledge, develop their academic and creative abilities.

Olympiad has one internal round, which is conducted in the form of written work, which, in its turn, includes 5-6 tasks (tasks from different branches of mathematics). The Olympiad can last up to 5 hours.

The competition involves students of Belarusian State University.

The team of Belarusian State University for the Republican Olympiad in mathematics is formed according to the results