The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (the Faculty of Applied Mathematics till 1991) was founded on April 1, 1970 on the basis of three university departments: Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Differential Equations. In 1960 – 1970, the similar faculties were also organized at other leading universities of the Former Soviet Union (at Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Novosibirsk State University, Kiev State University, Yerevan State University, etc.).

The founders of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science were such distinguished scientists as Members of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Professors N. P. Erugin and V. I. Krylov, and Doctor of Sciences, Professor Y.S. Bogdanov. The faculty was organized according to the needs of national economy in principally new specialists – applied mathematicians, who could use mathematical methods and computer technologies on a high professional level.

The first Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science was Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Professor E.A. Ivanov (1970-1981). Since 1981 till 1996 the faculty was headed by Professor V.I. Korzyuk. Since 1996 up to now the Dean of the Faculty is Candidate of Sciences, docent P.A. Mandrik.

The following research institutions and centers are created on the basis of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and they work in close cooperation with the faculty: the Institute of Information Technologies and Management, Scientific Research Institute of Applied Problems in Mathematics and Computer Science, the Center of Computer Modeling, the Center of Intelligent Computer Systems.