About the department


Information Management Systems (Head of Department Prof. Dr. Krasnoproshin V.V.)

The structure of the department
March, 1971
The teaching staff of the department:
3 professors (Doctors of Sciences)
8 associate professors (Ph.D.)
6 senior lecturers
3 assistants.
Research laboratory :
"Information Technology and Computer Graphics"
The enterprise branch of the department
is created in the High Tech Park on the basis of the foreign enterprise  "Byelex Multimedia Products"
Field of scientific research
  • Pattern recognition and image analysis;
  • Models and methods of organizational management;
  • Optimization problems for graphs and networks;
  • Models and methods of natural language processing;
  • Intelligent information systems;
  • Computer technology for decision support systems.
Participation in scientific programs
Governmental scientific and technical programs:
  • GSTP “Informatics”, 1999-2002;
  • GPOFR “Infotech”, 2001-2005;
  • GSTP “Information Technology”, 2004-2005;
  • STP of the Union State “Triada”, 2005-2008;
  • GCASR “Scientific Foundations of Information Technologies and Systems (Infotech)”, 2006-2010,
  • GSTP “ Information Technology ”, 2006-2010,
  • GSTP “Emergency Protection”, 2007-2011,
  • STP of the Union State “Cosmos-ST”, 2010-2011.
  • GPSR “Informatics and Space”, 2011-2013.
Scientific and technical projects
Grant INTAS (reg. no. 02-MO-275) for the organization of the international conference, 2003.
Grants of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:
  • “The development of output models for formal inductive systems and their application to solving the problems of pattern recognition”, 2004-2006;
  • “The development of efficient algorithms for solving the problems of pattern recognition with the complex structure of information”, 2006-2008.
  • “The development of the algebraic theory of recognition and its applications in data mining”, 2010-2012. (in collaboration with Computer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
  • “The development of methods for the synthesis of optimal groups of effective basic algorithms and correction operations in the algebraic theory of recognition”, 2012-2014. (in collaboration with Computer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Software products
  • Ortho-Expert, OREX, EXTRA (the series of intelligent decision-making support computer systems in the field of orthopedics, traumatology and sports medicine)
  • MapManager (the software application for creating and maintaining the cartographic and attribute oil exploration database)
  • The corporate automation solution for the mining companies based on the networking geographic information system MAPMANAGER
Participation in the international and national exhibitions
  • International Exhibition and Congress "High Technologies. Innovation. Investments" (St. Petersburg , Russia)
  • The National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus at the Hanover International Industrial Fair HANNOVER MESSE ( Hannover, Germany)
  • International Specialized Exhibition TIBO (Minsk, Belarus)
  • Belarusian Industrial Forum: International Specialized Exhibition "BelPromEnergo" (Minsk, Belarus)
  • International Exhibition of Arms and Military Equipment MILEX ( Minsk, Belarus)
  • The National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus at the International Industrial Exhibition SIMA INDUSTRIAL EXPO (Damascus, Syria)
  • National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus (Novosibirsk, Russia)
  • The National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus at the South African International Trade Exhibition SAITEX (Johannesburg , South Africa)
  • National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
  • International Specialized Exhibition "Medicine" (Minsk, Belarus)
  • Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum, Exhibition and Conference "Energy. Ecology. Energy Saving. Electro" (Minsk, Belarus)
  • International Specialized Exhibition "Perspective Technologies and Systems" (Minsk, Belarus)
Scientific conferences and congresses organized by the department
  1. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing, 1997;
  2. International Conference on Systems and Signals in Intelligent Technologies, 1998;
  3. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing, 2003;
  4. International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2004;
  5. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing, 2009;
  6. International Congress on Global Financial & Business Networks and Information Management, 2010;
  7. International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2012.
Scientific links and connections
  1. University of Barcelona, University “Ravira and Vergilia” of Tarragona, University of Murcia (Spain);
  2. Technological University of Tampere (Finland);
  3. University of Napoli “Federico-2”, University of Trento, Salerno University (Italy);
  4. Scientific and Technological University of Harbin (China);
  5. Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan);
  6. University of Bin Zyong (Vietnam);
  7. Computational Center of Russian Academy of Sciences,
  8. Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences.

room 302 of the main building of BSU (Nezavisimosti av., 4)


(+375-17) 209-5531
