Courses and Directions

Scientific seminar

“Intelligent information systems”

Postgraduate studies (for Ph.D. candidates)
In the field of specialization:

05.13.17 – theoretical foundations of computer science

The department provides specialized training in two specialties:
  • Computer Science;
  • Applied Informatics.

The graduate courses (for Master’s degree) are available for both specialties.

Field of specialization

Intelligent Information Systems (in the field of Computer Science and Applied Informatics)

Specialty subjects
  • Programming;
  • Programming Technology;
  • Operating Systems;
  • Data Models and Databases;
  • Intelligent Information Systems;
  • Operations Research.
Subjects in the field of specialization

“Computer Science”:

  1. Computer graphics algorithms;
  2. Models and methods of pattern recognition;
  3. Image processing algorithms;
  4. The basics of fuzzy mathematics ;
  5. Automated text processing;
  6. Workflow automation;
  7. Methods and techniques of distributed organizational management systems;
  8. Elements of reusable object-oriented design;
  9. Models and methods for software quality assurance;
  10. Information and computer technology for decision-making problems.

”Applied Informatics”:

  1. Algorithmic foundations of three-dimensional modeling;
  2. Methods of data mining;
  3. Computational Linguistics;
  4. Methods and technology for intelligent systems development;
  5. Technology for Web-search and content processing;
  6. Technology for opinion extraction and opinion analysis;
  7. Information and computer technology for decision-making problems;
  8. Modeling of object-oriented software systems;
  9. Models and methods for software quality assurance;
  10. Methods for security management in distributed information systems.