Scientific areas


1. RL of Applied Probabilistic Analyses (SRP BSU)

Research directions of RL:

  • Development of mathematical, algorithmic software and software for analyses of economical facilities, which are modeled in stochastic systems and processes terms;
  • Research of stochastic processes, applied in the theory of queueing service;
  • Application of developed mathematical, algorithmic software and software for solution of the tasks of projecting, optimization and optimal management in telecommunication networks, distributed data bases, industrial and banking systems, emergency services, etc.

2. RL of Mathematical Methods of Data Protection (SRI AMCSP)

Research directions of RL :

  • Theoretical research in data protection field;
  • Scientific research in the field of effectiveness evaluation of data protection means and systems;
  • Practical research for data protection means and systems testing.

3. RL of Information Technologies Security Problems (SRI AMCSP)

Research directions of RL:

  • Development of regulatory documentation in the field of data protection;
  • Development of software for data protection systems testing;
  • Development and reliability evaluation of data protection subsystems in IT products.

4. RL of Statistical Data Analyses and Modelling (SRI AMCSP)

Research directions of RL:

  • Applied and fundamental researches fulfillment in the field of statistical data analyses;
  • Development of software in the field of robust multivariate statistical analyses and time series analyses;
  • Development of methods and algorithms of robust statistical pattern recognition and software systems for diseases diagnostics;
  • Development of methods, algorithms and software in the field of econometric modeling and programming;
  • Development of methods, algorithms and software for evaluation of vehicles reliability indices.

5. RL of Methods of Synthesis and Analyses of Dynamic Systems (SRI AMCSP)

Research directions of RL:

  • Differential systems research ,
  • Development of numerical methods and software for them,
  • Development of methods of optimal and stable processes,
  • Research of problems for partial differential equations,
  • Qualitative and constructive methods of complex optimization tasks solution

6. RL of Physical Processes Modeling (SRI AMCSP)

Research directions of RL:

  • Modeling of kinetics of electronic and atomic processes in condensed matters;
  • Modeling of processes of radiation interaction with solids;
  • Modeling of components of quantum computer science devices.

7. Laboratory of Intellectual Information Systems (SRP BSU)

Research directions of RL:

  • Development of mathematical, software and information support of intellectual systems, working with Belarusian and Russian languages,
  • Development of technology and software for loanwords recognition in the theses without references to the authors,
  • Development of linguistic software and software of bilingual search system for the resources for legal information in the Internet

8. Laboratory of Information Technologies and Computer Graphics (SRP BSU)

Research directions of RL:

  • Formation of models and effective algorithms for the decision-making problems in the case of incomplete or partial data and pattern recognition tasks,
  • Formation and research of computational geometry models,
  • Development of engineering calculation visualization systems for the problems of hydromechanics and hydrogeology.

9. RL of Operations Research in Information Technologies (SRP BSU)

Research directions of RL:

  • Development of up-to-date software on NET platform.
  • Application of up-to-date software systems and technologies for software testing
  • Models and algorithms for logistics and scheduling theory