Logistics Analytics

The purpose of the "Logistics Analytics" profiling is to train highly professional specialists focused on interdisciplinary research in the effective application of methods and tools for the analysis and planning of complex information and logistics systems. Logistics Analytics is characterized by the need to process large amounts of data to analyze and support decision-making on the formation and management of logistics systems. The level of training of specialists in this master's program provides good knowledge of algorithms, models and methods of developing logistics systems, fluency in the latest methods and technologies of data analysis and decision support tools. Graduates of this specialty will be in demand in organizations associated with solving logistical problems in leading scientific institutions, public and private companies. The curricula have been developed in cooperation with the well-known European Logistics Training Institution Molde University College (Norway) – Specialized University in Logistics under the Diku (Eurasia) International Programme. It is assumed that during the training, undergraduates will be able to complete an internship there. Due to the fact that specialists in this field are in demand not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also abroad, it is planned to teach a number of educational disciplines in English. There is a link to some study courses below.

Spring semester for 1'st year master students at BSU

Study Plan Logistics Analytics BSU