Speciality "Applied mathematics"

Applied Mathematics - a branch of mathematics that concerns with theories and techniques, such as mathematical modeling and computational methods, to formulate and solve practical problems in business, government, engineering, and the physical, life, and social sciences.

The graduate with the speciality “Applied Mathematics” gets a professional qualification of “ Mathematician- Programmer”.

Professional activity deals with the following matters:

  • Scientific-research work in the field of Applied Mathematics;
  • Mathematical process and system models used in various fields of research, industrial and economical activity;
  • Mathematical methods of task solving of natural science, technique, economy and management;
  • Mathematical software and software of modern computational technique;
  • Programs, program systems, their mathematical and algorithmic models, methods of their design and use in different spheres of activity

The graduate is competent to solve the following professional tasks:

  • Participation in mathematical modeling of processes and systems in specific spheres of activity;
  • Design and application of methods of analysis and solution of mathematical models and tasks;
  • Design and application of appropriate computer and information technologies.

To this speciality the following specializations are offered:

  • Numerical method;
  • Optimization and Optimal Control ;
  • Mathematical and Software Problem-Oriented Systems;
  • Mathematical Software and Software of Computers and Systems;
  • Mathematical Cybernetics;
  • Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics;
  • Data Analysis and Complex System Modelling

The Structure of Curriculum

1. Cycle of Social- Humanitarian Disciplines

  • History of Belarus
  • Basis of the Belarusian State Ideology
  • Philosophy
  • Theory of Economy
  • Sociology
  • Political S cience
  • Basis of Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Foreign Language
  • Physical Training
  • Free Electives

2. Cycle of Natural- Science Disciplines

  • Basis of Ecology and Energy Saving
  • Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logics
  • Protection of the Population and Buildings from Emergency. Radiation Safety
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Elective Course of Computer Science

3. Cycle of Professional and Specialized Disciplines

  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Geometry and Algebra
  • Programming
  • Differential Equations
  • Computational Methods of Algebra
  • Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics
  • Operating Systems
  • Functional Analysis and Integral Equations
  • Methods of Numerical Analysis
  • Methods of Optimization
  • Operations Research
  • Equations of Mathematical Physics
  • Numarical Methods of Mathematical Physics
  • Theoretical Mechanics
  • Algorithms and Data Structure
  • Data Models and DBMS
  • Computer Networks
  • Simulation and Statistical M odeling
  • Computer Service of Computing Experiment
  • Mathematical Modelling of Systems, Processes and Phenomena
  • Labour Safety
  • Basis of Intellectual Property Management
  • Elective Chapters of Physics
  • Supplementary Chapters to Speciality


  • Work Experience (Computing)
  • Practical Training for Students (Pre-Diploma)

Cycle of Specializations Disciplines

Optional Course Disciplines

Graduation Paper

Final Exam