Speciality "Economic cybernetics"

Economic Cybernetics - a science concerned with data acquisition, data processing and its storage about economic phenomena. Economic Cybernetics includes such fields as Mathematical Economics and Econometrics.

Mathematical Economics - a discipline of economics that utilizes mathematical principles and methods to create economic theories and to investigate economic quandaries. Mathematics permits economists to conduct quantifiable tests and create models to predict future economic activity .

Econometrics – a science concerned with the application of mathematical and statistical techniques to economic problems and theories.

At the Faculty the training is carried out according to the direction “Economic Cybernetics” (mathematical methods and computer modeling in economics). The graduates can obtain the qualification of “mathematician-economist”.

The graduate is competent to solve the following professional tasks:

  • Participation in mathematical process and system modelling in certain spheres of activity;
  • Design and application of analysis methods to solve mathematical models and tasks;
  • Design and application of appropriate computer technologies.

To this speciality the following specializations are offered:

  • Econometric modelling, analysis and forecasting;
  • Methods of optimization in management and in economics.

The Structure of Curriculum

1. Cycle of Social-Humanitarian Disciplines

  • History of Belarus
  • Basis of the Belarusian State Ideology
  • Philosophy
  • Theory of Economy
  • Sociology
  • Political S cience
  • Basis of Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Foreign Language
  • Physical Training
  • Free Electives

3. Cycle of Professional and Specialized Disciplines

  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Programming
  • Differential Equations
  • Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics
  • Methods of Optimization
  • Operations Research
  • Computer Networks
  • Mathematical Models of Micro- and Macroeconomics
  • Basis of Economic and Accounting Analysis
  • Mathematical Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Simulation and Statistic Modelling
  • Data Models and DBMS
  • Mathematical Theory of Financial Risks
  • Labour Safety
  • Basis of Intellectual Property Management
  • Geometry and Algebra
  • Computational Methods of Algebra
  • Methods of Numerical Analysis
  • Operating Systems
  • Functional Analysis and Integral Equations
  • Methods of Financial-Economic Management
  • Algorithms and Data Structure
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Special Chapters of Economics
  • Intellectual Information Systems
  • Financial Market Modelling
  • Supplementary Chapters to Speciality

4. Cycle of Specializations Disciplines

5. Optional Course Disciplines

6. Practice

  • Work Experience (Computing)
  • Practical Training for Students (Pre-Diploma)

7.Graduation Paper

8. Final Exam