Speciality "Computer science"

Computer science - the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication, and access to information with the help of computers, computer networks and other technical means.

The graduate with the speciality “Computer Science” gets a professional qualification of “ Mathematician-System Programmer”.

The main fields of professional activity are mathematical software and software for computers, networks, communication means, and mathematical process and system models.

The graduate is competent to solve the following professional tasks:

  • Design and estimation of algorithms and of applied program interfaces;
  • Design and analysis of the system process in the information environments;
  • Design, maintenance and support of hardware for computers, networks and communication means;
  • Finding new fields of computer systems use and their software support;
  • Staff training and in-service training

To this speciality the following specializations are offered:

  • Computer Systems Software ;
  • Systems Automation Software;
  • Intellectual Information Systems ;
  • Organization, Design and Software of Information Systems

The Structure of Curriculum

1. Cycle of Social- Humanitarian Disciplines

  • History of Belarus
  • Basis of the Belarusian State Ideology
  • Philosophy
  • Theory of Economy
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • Basis of Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Foreign Language
  • Physical Training
  • Optional Course

2. Cycle of Natural-Science Disciplines

  • Basis of Ecology and Energy Saving
  • Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logics
  • Protection of the population and buildings from Emergency. Radiation Safety
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Elective Course of Computer Science

3. Cycle of Professional and Specialized Disciplines

  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Geometry and Algebra
  • Programming
  • Differential Equations
  • Comput ational Methods of Algebra
  • Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics
  • Operating Systems
  • Functional Analysis and Integral Equations
  • Methods of Optimization
  • Operations Research
  • Algorithms and Data Structure
  • Computer Networks
  • Equations of Mathematical Physics
  • Computers Architecture
  • Translating Methods
  • Programming Technology
  • Intellectual Information Systems
  • Methods of Numerical Analysis
  • Data Models and DBMS
  • Design and Algorithms Analysis
  • Labour Safety
  • Basis of Intellectual Property Management
  • Simulation and S tatistical Modeling
  • Physics of Computers
  • Web-Programming
  • Elective Discipline

Cycle of Specializations Disciplines

Optional Course Disciplines


  • Work Experience (Computing)
  • Practical Training for Students (Pre-Diploma)

Graduation Paper

Final Exam