Speciality "Computer security"

Mathematician. Specialist on computer security is the professional qualification of an expert in the field of the mathematical methods of information security with the higher professional education.

Computer security is the area of knowledge including the models, methods, software, hardware, and systems for information security during processing, storing and transmitting of information using information technologies.

Standard duration of the curriculum for the full-time students is 5 years for experts, and 6 years for masters.

The speciality includes the following specializations:

  • "mathematical methods for information security";
  • "analysis of security of computer systems";
  • "secure information systems";
  • "software and hardware for information security";
  • "security of computer-aided system for information processing and management".

The graduate is prepared for the scientific, analytic, production, and administrative activity in the field of analysis, design, and maintenance of secure computer systems, software and hardware modules for information security in research and educational institutions, enterprises, and other organizations developing and utilizing security facilities.

The graduate mainly can work in research and design laboratories, in departments of government and business organizations that are engaged in information security.

Academic disciplines

1. Cycle of social-humanitarian disciplines

  • History of Belarus
  • Belarussian language (professional lexicon)
  • Law basics
  • Philosophy
  • Political science
  • Economics
  • Psychology and pedagogics basics
  • Additional courses at the university's choice
  • Foreign language
  • Physical training
  • Philosophy in the modern world

2. Cycle of natural-science disciplines

  • Mathematical analysis
  • Geometry and algebra
  • Programming
  • Differential equations
  • Protection of labour
  • Ecology basics

3. Cycle professional and special disciplines

  • Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic
  • Computational methods of algebra
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Operating systems
  • Functional analysis
  • Methods of the numerical analysis
  • Methods of optimization
  • Operations research
  • Theory of algorithms
  • Computer networks
  • Data models and SDBM
  • Equations of mathematical physics
  • Physics of computers
  • Simulation technique
  • Information theory
  • Additional courses for the speciality
  • Cryptographi? methods
  • Theoretical foundations of information security
  • Software and hardware for information security
  • Technical methods and facilities for information security
  • Organizational and law foundations for information security
  • Systems and networks for information transmitting

Cycle of disciplines of specializations

Additional types of training

Elective courses


The following kinds of practice are provided under preparation of an expert:

  • computing (educational);
  • predegree.