Speciality "Actuarial mathematics "

Actuarial Mathematics is a complex blend of calculus, statistics, financial math , numerical modeling and computer technologies used to support solutions to a number of different problems in business and government.

At the Faculty the training is carried out according to the direction “Actuarial Mathematics”. The graduates can obtain the qualification of “mathematician- financier”.

The graduate is competent to solve the following professional tasks:

  • Participation in mathematical process and system modelling in certain spheres of activity;
  • Design and application of analysis methods to solve mathematical models and tasks;
  • Design and application of appropriate computer technologies.

The following specializations are offered:

  • Mathematical Insurance
  • Mathematics of Financial Market

The Structure of Curriculum

1. Cycle of Social-Humanitarian Disciplines

  • History of Belarus
  • Basis of the Belarusian State Ideology
  • Philosophy
  • Theory of Economy
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • Basis of Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Foreign Language
  • Physical Training
  • Optional Course

2. Cycle of Natural- Science Disciplines

  • Basis of Ecology and Energy Saving
  • Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logics
  • Protection of the population and buildings from Emergency. Radiation Safety
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Elective Chapters of Computer Science

3. Cycle of Professional and Specialized Disciplines

  • Geometry and Algebra
  • Programming
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Differential Equations
  • Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics
  • Computational Methods of Algebra
  • Operating Systems
  • Functional Analysis and Integral Equations
  • Methods of Optimization
  • Operations Research
  • Computer Networks
  • Actuarial Mathematics
  • Finance Institutions and Capital
  • Mathematical Modelling of Risk Insurance
  • Mathematical Bases of Financial Economics
  • Investments and Management of Security Holdings
  • Theory of Estimation of Financial Instruments
  • Methods of Numerical Analysis
  • Algorithms and Data Structure
  • Data Models and DBMS
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Simulation and Statistic Modelling
  • Labour Safety
  • Basis of Intellectual Property Management
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Intellectual Information Systems
  • Elective Chapters of Speciality

Cycle of Specializations Disciplines

Optional Course Disciplines


  • Work Experience ( Computation)
  • Practical Training for Students (Pre-Diploma)

Graduation Paper

Final Exam